使用 Git 軟體,將檔案從遠端抓取下來 (git pull) 要更新本地電腦檔案時,遇到「Authentication failed」錯誤訊息,同時列了七個可能原因。改用另一套軟體,則顯示「ssh: connect to host gitlab.com port 22: Operation timed out」。確認是電腦目前連線使用的無線基地台防火牆有擋,改用其他網路連線方式解決。
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使用 Git 軟體,顯示「Authentication failed」錯誤,同時列了七個可能原因。
改試另一套 Git 軟體,則顯示「ssh: connect to host gitlab.com port 22: Operation timed out」比較明確的錯誤訊息。
使用 telnet 指令確認 port 22 的連線狀況,在終端機軟體輸入指令
telnet gitlab.com 22
過了幾分鐘,顯示 Unable to connect to remote host
可以確認原因在於目前連線使用的無線基地台的防火牆有擋 port 22。
(1) 改用其他網路連線方式,例如原本是無線網路,改用其他無線熱點或者是有線網路。
(2) Git Clone 時,原本選擇檔案庫 (repository) Clone with SSH ,可以改用 Clone with HTTPS。
就可以順利使用 Git 指令。
使用 telnet 指令確認 port 22 的連線狀況,使用終端機軟體,輸入指令
telnet gitlab.com 22
備註 1 Git 軟體 1 顯示的錯誤訊息文字:
Authentication failed. Some common reasons include:
- You are not logged in to your account: see GitHub Desktop > Preferences.
- You may need to log out and log back in to refresh your token.
- You do not have permission to access this repository.
- The repository is archived on GitHub. Check the repository settings to confirm you are
still permitted to push commits.
- If you use SSH authentication, check that your key is added to the ssh-agent and
associated with your account.
- If you use SSH authentication, ensure the host key verification passes for your repository
hosting service.
- If you used username / password authentication, you might need to use a Personal
Access Token instead of your account password. Check the documentation of your
repository hosting service.
備註 2 Git 軟體 2 顯示的錯誤訊息文字:
git -c color.branch-false -c color.diff=false -c color.status=false -c
diff.mnemonicprefix=false-ccore.quotepath=false-c credential.helper=sourcetree
fetch origin
ssh: connect to host gitlab.com port 22: Operation timed out
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
Completed with errors, see above